Alumni Spotlight: Dr. B.J. Harman

In 1976, I was living in New York, was the youngest buyer in a $2 billion corporation, was halfway to my MBA in marketing and was miserable at something in which I was successful. I had constant headaches and indigestion and kept Excedrin and Rolaids in my desk, car, night stand and wherever else I was likely to end up. It so happened that I reacquainted myself with an old friend who was a student at New York Chiropractic College (NYCC) on Long Island, and he gave me several adjustments that eliminated my health issues and the need for medications.

My curiosity was stimulated, and I decided that a career change to Chiropractic was in the cards. I asked my friend about NYCC, and he told me that if he were starting at this time, he would go to Marietta, Ga., to Life Chiropractic College. I laughed about the location in the Deep South, but he insisted that was the only choice if he were starting in my place. I really didn’t so much choose to attend LIFE as it was chosen for me. I guess you could call that my first experience with “INNATE.”

I graduated in 1980 and while in practice in Florida was a regular attendee and sometime speaker at Dynamic Essentials. My wife and I both became members of the President’s Circle for many years while in practice, as well as after I relocated to LIFE to teach in 1991. Having listened to Dr. Riekeman many times at different seminars and hearing from my friend Dr. Kevin Fogarty about all the good things happening at LIFE, I decided that it once again was time to step up and support the President’s Circle.

The education that I got while at Life University first formed the foundation and then cemented my belief in the Chiropractic philosophy. It allowed my family and me to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle while transitioning from practitioner to teacher and entrepreneur, all the while staying in Chiropractic. It is with great pride that I am able to be a LIFE alumnus and President’s Circle member.

- B.J. Harman, D.C.



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